Thursday 26 January 2012

Burns Baking

We have been learning about weighing and measure.

Today we used scales to weigh out the ingredients to make our own version of Scottish Cranachan and Shortbread. These puddings are usually eaten at the end of a Burn's Supper. Traditionally Cranachan is made using Whisky but we used Orange Juice in our recipe instead.


Here is the link to the website we used at to find the recipes if you want to try to make some of your own.

Friday 20 January 2012

Feed the birds

We have been learning how to identify some of the birds that visit our gardens.
Did you know that the female blackbird isn't black at all, but brown?

We were shown how to make special meals for the birds.  Some birds like to eat fruit, some like seeds, and some like to eat things like slugs, worms and insects.

It was fun making goodies for the birds.  Now we will need to find a safe place to put these treats.  I wonder what the birds will think of our efforts.