Thursday 8 December 2011

At the Library

On Wednesday afternoon we were due to go to the Kirkwall Library but the weather suddenly took a turn for the worst and we thought that we would have to cancel.  Thank you to Mr Mowat who came to our rescue and bussed us all there and back.

It's great to find a nice quiet place in the library to enjoy looking at a good book

Wow!  What a lot of books.

I see that you've found a lovely comfy place to read your book.

Betty let us have a look in her huge mobile van.  It's packed with  dozens of books  and it goes to some of the other islands so that the people who live there can get books to read too.

We never expected to find moths in the library!  There was a huge collection of them hiding in a cupboard upstairs.

Before it was time to leave and face the weather again we had the chance to make some decorations for the library tree.  It was fun and we had a super day.  

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