Wednesday 21 September 2011

Oot and Aboot at Muddisdale

We've got a lot to find so we'd better get a move on.

The leaves on the trees are beginning to change colour and soon they will all fall off.

Look what I've found.

This is so much better now that it has stopped raining.

What can you see?

Have we found everything yet? 

We went up to Muddisdale Woods with class P1C to look for signs of autumn We had great fun finding all the things on our sheet and we found some extras too.
Look at all the bales.  The farmer is busy getting the hay cut before the bad weather begins.



  1. You look very busy! Thank goodness for waterproof clothes so that you can go out even when it's wet. The trees smell great when it rains!

  2. You all look very busy! Glad to see you're appropriately dress for the Orkney weather. I bet you were glad when it brightened up! You all seem to be working very well together and looking hard for signs of autumn. Well done all the P1's Caroline (Erin R's(P1C) mum)
