Tuesday 20 December 2011

Christmas Party

Today we were really excited because it was our Christmas party and we were hoping to have a visit from a very busy, special person.  

We all made special hats for the party

It was fun playing with the balloons until the games started

We played The Farmer's in his Den and Corners
Time for ice cream and juice

I scream for ice cream

Do you hear the sound of jingle bells?

Thank you very much Santa

Thursday 8 December 2011

At the Library

On Wednesday afternoon we were due to go to the Kirkwall Library but the weather suddenly took a turn for the worst and we thought that we would have to cancel.  Thank you to Mr Mowat who came to our rescue and bussed us all there and back.

It's great to find a nice quiet place in the library to enjoy looking at a good book

Wow!  What a lot of books.

I see that you've found a lovely comfy place to read your book.

Betty let us have a look in her huge mobile van.  It's packed with  dozens of books  and it goes to some of the other islands so that the people who live there can get books to read too.

We never expected to find moths in the library!  There was a huge collection of them hiding in a cupboard upstairs.

Before it was time to leave and face the weather again we had the chance to make some decorations for the library tree.  It was fun and we had a super day.  

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Happy Birthday Mrs Pettet!

Today is Mrs Pettet's Special Birthday!

We surprised her with a Happy Birthday performance and a birthday cake. Ms Dennison asked her to come to a meeting so we could get our class ready for her.

She got a big surprise to find us with our party hats on when she came back!


We spelled out HAPPY BIRTHDAY using our jolly phonics and we sang the Happy Birthday song. Then Mrs Pettet puffed oot the candles on her cake.
Happy Birthday to you......

Hope you made a wish Mrs Pettet?

Hip, Hip, Hooray

Congratulations Mrs Pettet, we really hope you enjoyed your birthday surprise.
Class 1P xxx

Monday 28 November 2011

Shapes & Patterns

This term we have been playing and exploring with 3D shapes and patterns.

Making patterns with shapes

Can you guess what comes next?

We had to try and build the same model as our partners by listening to their instructions, it was a bit tricky because we couldn't see what they had made.

I wonder if they will look the same when we take the whiteboard away?

We used cylinders, cubes, cones, cuboids and prisms to build models.
Look at our super fast racing car!
Can you tell what it is yet?

Sunday 27 November 2011

Children in Need 2011

Last Week we helped the pupil council to raise money for Children in Need.

Some of us dressed up in spotty clothes.

We used fabric pens, glue, buttons and gems to make Mrs Reid a spotty t-shirt to wear.

Some of us entered the cake baking competition.


Those look yummy!

In the afternoon we joined up with the other Primary Ones and painted spotty toast, which we then ate. Don't worry though we used a mixture of milk and food colouring to paint the bread - not the stuff that we normally use for painting pictures....

Thursday 24 November 2011

Let's go to the Police Station

We had a great time visiting the Police Station and seeing all the things that the police use to help them catch criminals.  
 We were shown around by two police officers

Don't our vests work well in the bare, dark cells?

Surely you haven't done something naughty

Don't tell me you've been naughty too 

Not you as well!  Oh dear!

Are we all going to be locked up?

What a noisy siren the police car has.

CC cameras are used to help catch people who are doing things that they shouldn't be doing.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Fire Station Visit

We had great fun at the fire station last Wednesday trying on the firefighters clothes, spraying with the hose and looking inside the fire truck.  When the truck's light began to flash and the siren went off a lot of us had to cover our ears as it was so loud.

Monday 7 November 2011

Our School

 Today we investigated different parts of the school and some of the people who worked there.
We found where the television is kept so we can put it back after we have used it.

Mr Scott and Mr Mowat have a very big workshop full of tools to help them make and fix things that get broken.

The teachers go to the staffroom for their tea or coffee at break times.

We couldn't find Gary in the office.  Maureen was working all alone.  She has to answer all the phone calls to the school.

We found Gary in Mrs Killeen's room.  They looked very busy.

Mrs Muir works in the Resource room.  She was busy making a banner for our classroom wall.