Friday 29 June 2012

Happy Holidays

On Thursday we went to The Tankerness Gardens and Museum. We hunted for phonic sounds in the gardens and then went to look at all the things inside the museum. It was good seeing all the old things from the past.

We have had lots of fun in Primary One and we hope you have enjoyed looking at our blogs.

(Class 1P 2011-2012)

Happy Summer Holidays :-)

Sunday 10 June 2012

Sports - Friday 8th June

On Friday morning we went to do sports at the picky. We had lots of fun doing potted sports, parachute games and playing dodgeball. We are all looking forward to the next part of Sports Day and hoping the weather gets better for then.

Friday 8 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee Party - Friday 1st June

Thank you to all the Mums, Dads, Grannies, Grandads and peedie Brothers and Sisters who came to our P1 Diamond Jubilee Party on Friday. We had a great time and liked playing musical statues, pass the parcel and making things the best. The food was delicious too so another big thank you to the parents who brought it all along for us to share with our friends.

Baking Buns

The Big Jubilee Dance

Yummy Buns

Don't our crowns look smart?
Food Time


Wednesday 30 May 2012

Tag rugby

Today Bruce and Liam came to teach us some skills in our first Tag rugby session.  We learned how to hold the rugby ball with both hands and how to score a try.  We had great fun dodging the aliens in the game of Space Cowboys.  They'll be back again next week and we can't wait!

Friday 27 April 2012

Cress Growing Experiment

Over the past week we have been experimenting with cress seeds.
We wanted to see how important water and light are when growing plants.

We tried to make our experiment fair by using 3 tubs the same size, using 8 balls of cotton wool in each tub and measuring a spoonfull of seeds to go into each one.
We put cress seeds into tubs with cotton wool and changed the conditions for each one.

Tub 1 was given water but no light (we put it in the cupboard!)
Tub 2 was given water and given light.
Tub 3 was given no water but was given light.

We guessed which tubs we thought cress would grow in and recorded our thoughts.
Here are the photos of our results, Do you know which ones are which?

Friday 30 March 2012

Easter Fun in Primary One.

For the past few weeks we have been learning about Easter. The minister from East Kirk called Julia came and told us about the Easter Story. We learned all about what happened to Jesus. We talked about this in our class and looked at the story again. It is a sad story because Jesus was killed. But the story has a very happy ending, because Jesus came back to life and visited his friends. Then he went up to Heaven to be with God.

We started to think of ways that we celebrate Easter.  We made Easter Baskets out of clay, we painted them with sticky glue and then we filled them with straw, chicks and peedie chocolates. We also made Easter Cards and Chocolate Nests.

Painting Easter Baskets

Chocolate Easter Nests
We licked the spoon when we were done!

Julia Told us that giving eggs at Easter celebrates new life in the Spring Time. We had an egg decorating competition. We came up with the ideas all by ourselves and we got a bit of help from our families to make them. There were animals, gardens, footballers, aliens, spiderman and lots more. This is how they looked....

Miss Dennison judged the competition and handed out the prizes for first, second and third. We were all very proud of our eggs and models it was fun making them with our families.

First Prize - Congratulations!

Second Prize - Eggcelent!
Third Prize - Well Done!

On Friday afternoon we made popcorn and watched a d.v.d instead of our normal Golden Time. Some of us watched the Gruffalo's Child and some of us watched Cars - Mater Tales. Both films were really funny and we enjoyed eating our popcorn while we watched.

Before we went home we had two Easter Hunts. One was hunting eggs with sums on them inside the school and the other one was finding coloured eggs in teams out in the front playground.  The Primary Sevens came down to help us with the egg hunts which was great because it was a bit tricky to find them all!

Happy Easter Holidays Everyone! Remember to roll your hard boiled eggs on Easter Sunday....

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Floating and Sinking

We have been doing some experiments in Class 1P.  Today we were finding out about tings that float or sink. 
We all thought that the ball would float and it did.
What a surprise when the peedie drawing pin sank right to the bottom of the bucket.

Some of us thought that the timer would sink but surprise surprise it floated on the top.

That wooden dice felt heavy but it floated.  I wonder why.

The big pair of scissors sank and so did the little pair!

Surely the huge can of shaving foam would sink.  At least that's what most of us thought, but guess what.  It floated!

Let's do some more watery experiments.  They're fun

Saturday 24 March 2012

Waterproof investigations

We had fun finding things in the classroom and around the school that were waterproof.
When we used the sprayer the water always ran off anything that was waterproof

Thank goodness the sink is waterproof.

I wonder why the water doesn't soak through