Wednesday 28 September 2011

Listening Walk

Today we went for a walk to the Peedie Sea.  We were trying to listen for as many different sounds as possible.  Some of them were very quiet so we had to concentrate to hear them.  We also had a walk through the woods and tried to build nests out of leaves and twigs. Some of us took some lovely bark rubbings too.

Jolly Phonics


We are learning the sounds of the alphabet and already know six!  It's fun making new words with the magnetic letters.  Today's sound was 'n' so we made some nice necklaces.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Oot and Aboot at Muddisdale

We've got a lot to find so we'd better get a move on.

The leaves on the trees are beginning to change colour and soon they will all fall off.

Look what I've found.

This is so much better now that it has stopped raining.

What can you see?

Have we found everything yet? 

We went up to Muddisdale Woods with class P1C to look for signs of autumn We had great fun finding all the things on our sheet and we found some extras too.
Look at all the bales.  The farmer is busy getting the hay cut before the bad weather begins.


Sunday 18 September 2011

12th-16th September

This week in Class 1P we have been.....

Practicing writing numbers 1-5 in sand and shaving foam.

We helped Leona sort out washing in the Dinner Hall, she thought we were so good at this she wanted to take us home with her to help her there!

We played some fun rhyming games on the Smart Board

We learned more about Harvest and where foods come from. Before Golden Time on Friday afternoon we had a taste of some fruits and vegetables, oatcakes and cheese.

Saturday 10 September 2011

5th - 9th September 2011

This was our first week of full days in Primary One. Look at all the fun things we have been learning about:


Sorting by colour and type



We went around the school and outside into the playground to look for Environmental Print these are some of the signs we found.

Harvest - we made food stuff out of salt dough, it was a bit messy!